10 Takeaways from a Google Analytics Report

4 Jul 2019 Uncategorized

Top 10 Takeaways From A Google Analytics Report

If you’re a webmaster or a website administrator, the ‘Google Analytics Report’ is a tool that should be quite familiar to you. Google Analytics is a web analytics service that allows you to monitor website traffic and provides graphs and statistics to explain the traffic patterns. Analysing a Google Analytics Report thoroughly can help boost traffic and improve the overall website performance.

Here are 10 takeaways from a Google Analytics Report:


We live in a world where the use of Smartphones is extremely common. People are constantly checking their phones wherever they go and browsing the Internet. So, an important key is to make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Google even penalizes website that isn’t mobile friendly. Once this task is achieved, keep track of the numbers from the report produced under the mobile section. Here you can see 3 types of devices under observation, Desktop, Mobile and Tablet. The mobile category can further be stripped down to specific devices. This allows you to see which brand of smartphones are performing the best.

Reduce Bounce Rate

This Google Analytic metric is the rate at which a user leaves your website from the main page without browsing any further. An average Bounce Rate lies in the range of 41-55 percent. Some of the ways to improve your Bounce Rate is to make sure that your website does not contain too many broken links, it uses friendly, there is good readability, not too many pop-ups or advertisements and writing fresh and relevant content.

Always Set Goals

Set Goals. Goals are a pretty useful and simple feature of Google Analytics. There are different goals provided by Google like destination goals (users arriving at a page on your website), engagement goals (amount of casinoluck.ca time a user spends on your website and visits different pages) and event goals (performing an action or triggering of an event). For example, if you run an E-Commerce based website your goal would be for the user to make an online transaction. Setting goals increases the conversion rate of your website.

Analyse Source Of Traffic

Take a look at where your traffic is coming from. This can be looked at under the acquisition section. It contains 4 sub-sections. Referral, Direct, Organic Search and Social. You can see if your website referred to by another website (backlink) is actually bringing in a significant amount of traffic and boosting your search engine ranking under the Referrals section. These numbers can be improved by reaching out to more websites for backlinking and getting rid of websites that aren’t really helping your website. Similarly, the other 3 sections can be closely examined as well.

Appropriate Exit Pages

Analyze the Exit Page section. This section tells you at which page users are leaving your website the most. Make sure the exit pages are appropriate. For example, if a user has finished making a purchase on your website, there is a high chance they’ll leave your website and that’s okay. But if you notice users leaving your website at the homepage itself, it becomes an issue and needs to be looked into.

Fine Tune Website Content

The Pages section in Google Analytics shows the performance of different sections, ex: About Us, Contact, Products, of your website. Based on the numbers observed, changes can be made to the sections that aren’t performing as well as the other sections. Try making changes such that the exit rate is reduced, and sessions are increased.

Focus On Interests

Try finding your field of interest and building a website based on that. Your interest should be the website’s foundation. The Interests section tells you a user’s affinity towards different categories like Lifestyle & Hobbies or New & Politics. Try improving the numbers in a few categories of interest. Do not go over the top and try building on every interest. This metric helps you reach out to a certain part of society and increases the chances of getting revisits.

Focus On Age & Gender

You can segregate your audience further by building a website that attracts certain age groups. The numbers for different age groups can be analyzed under the Age category. See which age range give you the best and worst output. Concentrating on certain age groups will improve your traffic significantly. Similarly, your audience can be segregated by Gender as well.

Target Local Traffic

Incoming traffic numbers can be observed country wise under the Audience section. It is better to gain as much as traffic possible within your country and then work towards an international goal. Keep improving on the Active Users number in your region after which concentrate on gaining international users.

Improve The User’s Journey

Behavioral Flows allows you to keep track of how users interact with your website, i.e. how they travel from the homepage and end up on the exit page. Look at how much time a user is engaged in a particular page and if you achieve any sort of conversion. Observe which pages they click through instantly and the number of pages they click through to reach the exit page. Try making the user’s experience on your website easy and entertaining.

Try taking complete advantage of the Google Analytics tool. Thoroughly analyze numbers such that it satisfies customers and brings in more website traffic.

