Cyber Gear Launches Webinar Series On Fourth Industrial Revolution Topics

27 May 2020 Uncategorized

Dubai, UAE – 27 May 2020: Cyber Gear has launched a Webinar Series starting 2 June 2020, with weekly webinars on innovative technologies that are a hallmark of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

According to Sharad Agarwal – CEO of Cyber Gear, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by the fusion of the digital, biological, and physical worlds, as well as the growing utilization of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, robotics, 3D printing, the Internet of Things, face recognition and biometrics. These advanced technologies have ushered in a new era of economic disruption.”

The first zoom webinar entitled, ‘Cybersecurity post COVID’ will be held on 2 June 2020 from 11 am to 12 noon, UAE time. Cyber Gear has partnered with Risk Quotient, the Cybersecurity experts to address the following concerns raised by the post COVID economy.

• Emerging on the other side of COVID, do we expect sunny skies or dark clouds?
• Or something in between?
• Will your #WFH teams have to adapt to the ‘new normal’?
• How does cybersecurity change if work from home becomes the norm?
• Does your network architecture have to change to incorporate this?
• Will compliance standards and regulators have to change?
• Will your organisation be more vulnerable or less?
• What changes will you have to make in your people, processes, and technology?

The second webinar is entitled, ‘Growing Online During A Global Pandemic Even If Everyone Else Seems To Be Failing Webinar.

This interactive webinar will demonstrate how performance marketing can help organisations grow their business exponentially.

This subject will be covered on Tuesday 16 June 2020 from 11 am – 12 noon (UAE time) by experts from Digitly and Cyber Gear.

Those interested in attending these webinars can register online at

For more information, contact:

Sharad Agarwal
Cyber Gear

Major Business Tech Trends For 2020

21 May 2020 Uncategorized

There are always major tech trends in the business world which are essential to keep up with as a business owner. Knowing these trends will allow you to invest in the right technologies and at the right time so that you can benefit the most from them, plus it also helps you to stay competitive, improve your reputation and streamline. There are a few key tech trends in 2020, which are undoubtedly worth implementing and look set to be a significant presence in the business world for the foreseeable future. Read on to learn more about these key trends and how they could help your company this year.

Remote Working

Remote working is a trend that has been on the rise for several years, but the Coronavirus outbreak has accelerated this trend, and it is easy to see this sticking around after things have returned to normal. Remote working can bring benefits to both the business and the employer. Still, you must know the best way to manage remote teams and have the tools available so that everyone can work to the best of their ability and collaborate each day.

Artificial Intelligence

AI has always been seen as a futuristic type of technology, but now it is starting to be used heavily in various industries and can be used in many innovative ways. There are many different ways that you could use artificial intelligence, such as:

  • Chatbots
  • Predicting patterns and behaviors
  • Automating tasks
  • Streamlining logistics

Endpoint Protection

Cybercrime is a growing threat with threats becoming increasingly advanced with various techniques used to infiltrate IT systems, plus with people using a variety of devices in a business setting it creates a real risk for businesses which is why an endpoint protection platform is so crucial in 2020. So, what is an endpoint protection platform? This is a platform that provides constant and robust security for a variety of endpoints and can identify and stop threats in real time before they can gain access. This will help your business to combat the latest threats, always stay online and be able to work with confidence knowing that you have protection in place.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Following this, IoT is another major tech trend which is revolutionizing the business world. This type of technology involves multiple machines and devices being interconnected and able to exchange data, allowing them to “communicate” with one another and this can be used in many ways depending on your industry. A few of the most common uses for IoT in business include:

  • Intelligent lighting
  • Inventory management
  • Maintenance tracking
  • Smart assistants for office awareness
  • Smart thermostats

These are the main tech trends to be aware of in 2020 and are all worth implementing into your operation. Knowing what the latest trends are will help you to modernize your brand, compete with other companies in your industry and can improve your business in many ways. Still, you also need to know which trends will be around in the long term, and these will certainly all play a significant role in business for the foreseeable future.

Tips for Staying Connected During Quarantine

13 May 2020 Uncategorized

Humans have always been social creatures, so our ongoing national quarantine has been difficult for many. Experts say that prolonged isolation increases our risk of depression and anxiety. Since social distancing and some degree of quarantining will probably be necessary for quite some time, it’s important that we all learn how to find new ways to connect.

Luckily, the internet makes it easier than ever to stay in touch and the amount of online entertainment available even makes it possible to watch movies and play games “with” your friends without leaving your home. Quarantine is a challenge, but here are some tips for staying connected.

Share memories and events friends you can’t see.


Life isn’t the same right now, but we can make every day special in small ways. Go on walks outside with your family, try new arts and crafts, maybe learn a new skill. You can document your quarantine adventures and share them with your friends and family quickly and easily online using a private photo share.

It’s important to find things that are exciting and meaningful about our day-to-day lives, even now. Make the ordinary extraordinary and share the fun with the people who matter to you. Social media, for all its flaws, is crucial now for keeping up with our friends’ lives when we can’t see them. The important thing is to keep living and sharing your experiences with everyone.

Find ways to play together online.


If you aren’t already, it might be time to consider becoming a gamer. It’s not all shooting games and violence if that’s not your thing. Whether it’s Rocket League, Overwatch, or Call of Duty, there’s a game for everyone who wants to play with their friends. You can even purchase your own game server hosting to use for multiplayer gaming with your friends.

You get 24/7 access to your own dedicated server for a monthly fee. Whether or not you and your friends are hardcore gamers, finding a reliable way to play together can be a saving grace when you’re stuck at home for weeks. There are also plenty of ways to play more classic games like Monopoly or Jeopardy digitally, so you can still have Trivia Night even though you can’t hit the bar.

Make plans to “hang out.”


It’s easy to lose track of days or find it hard to keep a schedule when things are so different and we’re all inside much more than we’re used to. Try to make plans with your family and friends the same way you usually would. It’ll restore a little normality in your life, and you’ll be more likely to connect and talk to them if you set a time to do it, rather than just texting about how you should catch up soon for months and then never actually doing it.

Building a schedule for your week is important since it’s so hard to create structure in your schedule when you’re working and spending most of your time at home, and making time for your friends is more important now than ever. Whether it’s just chatting, having a happy hour, or using an app like Netflix Party to watch movies together, there are plenty of ways to “hang out” from afar.

As the country continues to implement varying degrees of quarantine to combat COVID-19, we all need to adapt and find ways to stay in touch with the people we love that we aren’t able to see right now. For many who don’t spend much time on the internet or who don’t engage with much digital entertainment, it might take some effort to learn what kinds of things you’re able to do online now and how we can still socialize from a distance. No matter how you do it, it’s essential to find ways to connect with the people who are important to us during the quarantine.

What Is Your Bounce Rate?

5 May 2020 Uncategorized

What is a bounce rate and why should you care?

One of the most important statistics revealed in the Google Analytics report is the ‘bounce rate’.

Bounce rate is the percentage of users who land on your website and decide to leave without going to a second page. Given that we want people to stay and explore our websites, this is obviously not something you want!

A higher bounce rate implies that you couldn’t convince your website visitor to stay and act on your call to action.

If your website takes too long to download or the content is not engaging enough, your bounce rate is likely to be north of 50%.

A viewer can bounce from your site by clicking away from your site – whether on a link to a different website, clicking the back button to leave your website, closing the open window, typing a new URL, or due to a session time out.

The challenge is obviously on how to reduce your website’s bounce rate. Here are a few pointers:

  • Keep your page visually appealing without heavy graphics
  • Reduce clutter
  • Make your content more accessible with smart formatting
  • Avoid distracting banner advertisements
  • Content should satisfy a search query
  • Have a clear call for action
  • Implement a site search
  • Interactive site map for easy navigation
  • The Homepage should download in less than 5 seconds
  • Optimize download time on all devices

If you find all this difficult to comprehend, seek professional help.

Let’s Bounce!

COVID-19 Crisis Is Forcing Us To Live Online

29 Mar 2020 Uncategorized

Social Distancing has forced people to spend their time online and come up with creative digital experiments. Which is all good news for businesses since they now know where to get the eyeballs!

Zoom social meetups, Skype book clubs, Online bridge games, Periscope jam sessions, Online shopping spree, Cloud clubbing with DJs, Virtual yoga classes, Netflix streaming binges, Instagram Live Gym sessions – are now a way of life. Getting breaking news on Twitter, Facebook and Insta and mobile apps are the new normal.

FaceTime and VPN calls from friends and relatives who are trying to stave off loneliness are at a record high. It is reintroducing people to their families. The COVID-19 crisis is making people more grounded. It helps you reappreciate the wealth we have in a place like home.

If there is a silver lining in this crisis, it may be that the virus is forcing us to use the internet as it was always meant to be used, to connect with one another, share information and resources, and brainstorm collective solutions to common problems.

On average, people spend a staggering 6 hours and 42 minutes online each day. (My screen time is 8 hours 36 minutes!) In addition, more than four million blog posts and 500 million tweets are published every day. Research shows that people who consume social media actively by sending messages, leaving comments or participating in group chats, are happier people compared to couch potatoes who sit and watch TV all day.

As the real world continues to crumble before our eyes, all of us will be forced to embrace the virtual world. What seemed to be a distant reality is suddenly upon us. If you are looking to find solace on the internet, lurking alone won’t cut it, you need to contribute. Be a lead actor in the story or you will just be a character in the story!

Businesses now have an opportunity to deep dive into the web and reimagine their digital strategy. Ensure that you are offering your portfolio of products and services online with complete CRM and payment integration. Aggressive online and social media campaigns are just a few obvious options to consider.

We can either adapt and join the new mainstream of the virtual world or remain passive and left behind in loneliness. The choice is ours!

#StaySafe and #WFM

Sharad Agarwal is CEO of Cyber Gear

Website Audit – Importance Of Backlinks And Referring Domains

29 Mar 2020 Uncategorized

If COVID 19 has forced you to work from home, now is a good time to invest in your website audit. You can either do it yourself or hire a professional company to help you rank well in search results. Whether it’s Google, Bing or Yahoo, outsmarting their algorithm takes work.

It is also important to ensure that your website gets quality traffic from authority sites. The metric in off-site SEO that really moves the needle is referring domains.

This metric measures how many sites and domains point to your site. Backlinks let search engines know that other websites actually trust the content on your site.  In turn, they see it as a valuable, relevant website and rank it accordingly. If one site is sending 1,000 backlinks to you, it is still only one referring domain. Referring domains are a stronger signal than backlinks because it’s easier to manipulate a site to give you thousands of links, but it’s much harder to get 1,000 different domains to point to you.

It is clearly wise to secure backlinks from multiple domains. can help you in writing quality articles and then publish them on your niche blogs. They will imbed ‘do-follow’ links which will drive traffic to your website. These backlinks will help your content to start to gain organic visibility within the Google search engine.

It is important to check the links that your competitors have developed and then approach similar domains to build traffic for your business. Not all backlinks and referring domains are the same, so domain rating/authority are good supplementary metrics to add context.

Websites are ranked by their Domain Authority or DA. Domain Authority is a ranking factor used by search engines to help them determine a website’s relevance to a specific subject or industry. So when you are building your backlink profile, you should obtain backlinks from websites that have higher DA scores than your own. In turn, this tells search engines that these high-DA websites trust the content on your website.

There are approximately 3.5 billion searches on Google every day. It is imperative that your web presence stands out from the crowd and helps your business accelerate sales, drive targeted audience, create a brand name among people and become the most trusted and authentic service.

According to Sharad Agarwal, CEO of Cyber Gear, “Digital reputation is important. Invest in it!”

A Guide to Internet Safety for Writers

30 Sep 2019 Uncategorized

As a writer, you’re bound to use the internet a lot. You need to learn how to secure yourself from malicious activities within the internet. The internet is a source of unlimited information, but it also exposes you to infected ads, sneaky computer viruses, and rogue links.

Due to advancements in technology, computer viruses are more aggressive than ever before. Identity theft and financial fraud are quite rampant because hackers have all they need to hack whomever they want. As a student, work with legit writing services like to avoid dealing with frauds.

Every time you encounter a suspicious website, hit the back button before cybercriminals get the opportunity to take advantage of you. Also, be careful where you provide your personal information because it could easily be a case of identity theft.

1. Have Strong Passwords Everywhere
When you use strong passwords, you prevent cybercriminals from hijacking your accounts. Avoid using generic passwords like your date of birth or the name of your pet because this makes your accounts easily hackable.
Ensure your password is at least 12 characters long because the more the characters, the harder it is for hackers to guess the password. The password should include both upper and lower case alphabets as well as numbers and symbols.

2. Avoid Using Open Networks to Access the Internet
If you’re a writer who likes working from cafés and coffee shops, avoid using their Wi-Fi networks to access the internet. There is nothing as cybercriminals-ridden as open networks. Use your own source of internet to protect yourself from hijacks.
Aside from cyberattacks, you never know the kind of virus that might be lurking in such networks. Protect your information by avoiding public Wi-Fi networks.

3. Use Viral Protection Network
If you have a computer you use to access the internet, use a VPN to protect your information. This way, you use a private channel to access the internet. Viral Protection Networks lock cybercriminals out. They cannot record any unencrypted information and use it to their advantage.

Writers are among the people who use the internet the most. Each time you browse the internet, ensure you’re safe from cyberattacks. Cybercriminals can use the smallest loophole to steal your personal information.

The ROI of SEO

16 Sep 2019 Uncategorized

Almost every other day I am asked, “Do I have to invest in SEO?” The not so smart ones tell me, “I don’t need SEO”.

Here is the truth. Getting professional SEO is the best investment you will make to get the maximum ROI from your web presence. In fact it costs more to drive traffic to your site than to establish a web presence. Seriously!

Investing in growing your business is always a good idea. At Cyber Gear, we never hired a single salesperson in 23 years! We invested in SEO and digital marketing. Maybe, the number one reason why we are growing exponentially. Talk about walking the talk!

For the non-tech savvy people (do they even exist?) SEO, or search engine optimization, is an approach to marketing that helps your business show up at the top of search engine results pages when potential customers are looking for you online.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Google is the single largest traffic driver to websites. Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day. That’s the average figure of how many people use Google a day, which translates into at least 2 trillion searches per year, 3.8 million searches per minute, 228 million searches per hour, and 5.6 billion searches per day.

Bottomline. Google accounts for 57.8% of total referral traffic for the average site (10x the traffic that Facebook drives to the average site).

Here is the no brainer – if you’re going to invest in one online marketing activity, you should invest in SEO.

For those on the fence, consider these facts:

• 72% of online marketers describe content marketing as their most effective SEO tactic.

• 81% of people do some type of online research before making a large purchase.

• 47% of consumers read 3 to 5 pieces of content created by a company before talking to a salesman from that company.

• Leads from search engines have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (ex. cold-calling, direct mail, etc.) have a 1.7% close rate.

• 78% of location-centric mobile searches result in an offline purchase.

To calculate the ROI on SEO, it is worth noting that ranking 1st in organic search results for an important search query will drive x number of qualified visitors to your website every month. Based on a 5-10% conversion rate, it will more than pay for itself. While it’s easier and more accurate to track conversions for e-commerce, it certainly is possible for lead-based businesses.

Based on our 23 years of experience in digital business, I can safely vouch that investing in SEO in the long term leads to exponential growth (and much more affordable customer acquisition).

Finally, a note of caution, there is no magic bullet to activate the magic of SEO. It is a long and painstaking process – SEO often takes 3-6 months to gain traction. Use Google Analytics to measure the ROI of your SEO campaigns.

Microless is partnering with IT Plus to work on Artificial Intelligence

10 Sep 2019 Uncategorized

Microless is one of the leading online computer and electronics stores in the middle east. The company has been established in 2011 to transform the way people buy computers and electronics. Microless has set goals to expand rapidly in 2020 to become the leader in electronics and computer retail online.

Microless has announced that it’s partnering with IT Plus — one of the leading web and mobile app development agency in UAE, to integrate AI / Machine Learning techniques to optimize and automate their business processes. Apart from automation, and increasing the efficiency of existing processes in the company, the partnership is promising to bring new features, such as a smart chatbot that will handle part of the load on the customer service agents. The chatbot will be able to resolve customer inquiries and help customers with their purchases on the platform. The bot will be smart enough to understand your question and help you with the status of your order, item availability and pricing, as well as other queries.

Another interesting aspect of the mutual work will be the smart pricing bot that will adjust the prices on the products several times a day based on the market prices and customer demand. Customers will certainly benefit from this as they will have access to even better prices and unbeatable deals.

Once the work proves to be successful, the companies are planning to work on other important aspects such as intelligent delivery routing, using AI in stock predictions and even workplace gamification, which is a new trend that increases the employees’ productivity, by letting them see their work progress in realtime, get rewarded for achieving targets and compete with their peers.

Nowadays, as the competition is extremely high, the leading companies look for ways to cut the costs by optimizing and automating their business processes. Not only that reduces the costs in the long run, but it also allows the company to process much higher volumes of workload and it decreases the error rate and generates more streamlined results in the end. Machine learning is often used to achieve just that.

Machine learning or AI is the new trend in business. With the latest advancements in technology and new algorithms, computers are now able to recognize speech, detect objects and analyze what is happening in images and videos in real-time, predict sales and demand for products, and much more.

What Exactly is Tiktok?

6 Aug 2019 Uncategorized

The name TikTok is onomatopoeia for the sound of a ticking clock and represents the short format of the videos

TikTok is an iOS and Android social media video app for creating and sharing short lip-sync, comedy, and talent videos. The app was launched in 2017 by ByteDance, for markets outside of China. ByteDance has previously launched Douyin for the China market in September 2016. Douyin was developed in 200 days, and within a year got 100 million users, with more than 1 billion videos viewed every day.
The application allows users to create short music and lip-sync videos of 3 to 15 seconds and short looping videos of 3 to 60 seconds. It is a leading short video platform in Asia, the United States, and other parts of the world. TikTok is not available in China and its servers are based in countries where the app is available.

The TikTok mobile app allows users to create a short video of themselves which often feature music in the background, can be sped up, slowed down or edited with a filter. To create a music video with the app, users can choose background music from a wide variety of music genres, edit with a filter and record a 15-second video with speed adjustments before uploading it to share with others on TikTok or other social platforms. Its tunes are varied pop, rap, R&B, electro, and DJ tracks serve as backing for its 15-second video clips.

The app allows users to set their accounts as “private”. Such accounts’ content remains visible to TikTok but is blocked from TikTok users who the account holder has not authorised to view their content. Users can choose whether any other user, or only their “friends”, may interact with them through the app via comments, messages, or “react” or “duet” videos. Users also can set specific videos to either “public”, “friends only”, or “private” regardless if the account is private or not.

The videos are tall, not square, like on Snapchat or Instagram’s stories, but you navigate through videos by scrolling up and down, like a feed, not by tapping or swiping side to side.

The platform is said to have an addictive quality and high levels of engagement with its personalized feeds of quirky and creative short videos.

TikTok was downloaded more than 104 million times on Apple’s App store during the full first half of 2018, according to data provided to CNBC by Sensor Tower, an app analytics platform based in San Francisco. It surpassed Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram to become the world’s most downloaded iOS app for that time period.

TikTok recently began testing ads and also makes money on in-app purchases. Users can buy coins to tip their favorite creators on the platform. It has grossed $80 million from in-app purchases globally, according to an April report from Sensor Tower. In Q1 2019, user spending reaching an estimated $18.9 million globally, which was 222% more than the app grossed during the same period last year.

Tiktok is available in over 150 markets, and in 75 languages worldwide.

Source: Hashtag Social

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