WhatsApp ranks #1 rank in the industry among UAE consumers in 2019

2 May 2019 Uncategorized

Brand Intimacy is defined as the emotional science that measures the bonds we form with the brands we use and love. Top Intimate Brands outperform top brands in the S&P and Fortune 500 indices for revenue and profit. Consumers are also more willing to pay price premiums for Intimate Brands and less willing to live without them, according to the 2019 Brand Intimacy Report.

Brands that are within the ecosystem score higher in emotional connection overall than brands that are not. Ranking 9 out of 15 places, Apps and social platform brands have an opportunity to increase their intimate bonds and emotional relationships with their users given their usage and importance”

Other notable findings from the apps & social platforms industry include:

• 40 percent of consumers felt an immediate emotional connection with the industry.

• 73 percent of users in the 18- to 34-year-old (millennial) demographic felt an immediate emotional connection with Facebook.

• The apps & social platforms industry as a whole ranked #2 for africa casinos industries people can’t live without, right behind Tech & Telecom, which was #1.

• Three of the top four brands in this category this year—WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram—are owned by Facebook.

• Uber ranking went from #5 to #10 from 2018 to 2019.

• Instagram demonstrated solid growth, moving up from #7 to place at #4.

• WhatsApp ranked #1 for the 18- to 34-year-old demographic, males and high income users surveyed.

• GoogleMaps was ranked first among the 35- to 64-year-old demographic and female users.

To download the full apps & social platforms rankings, please click here. To download the full 2019 Brand Intimacy Report, please click here.

Top 5 Technologies from Science Fiction We Can Witness in the Near Future

1 May 2019 Uncategorized

With modern science advancing at the current pace, many dreams of early 20th century science fiction writers such as Jules Verne have already become commonplace technologies. As of 2019, we may be just several decades away from megacities, artificial worlds, moon colonisation, digital immortality, and other ideas devised by Douglas Adams, Philip K. Dick, and Robert A. Heinlein. Below are the top 5 technologies from science fiction we can witness in the nearest future.

  1. Alternative Medicine and Treatment

Science fiction novels are full of alternative medicine and treatment methods. With the growing scarcity of diagnosticians, general practitioners, and nurses, the Star Trek-style self-diagnosis and self-healing concepts can become a reality of modern medicine. The wide popularity of alternative medicine and treatment is largely substantiated by the accessibility of these methods in many areas of the world where traditional medical services are not available. While their effectiveness for treating serious illnesses is highly controversial, some of them provide good analgesic results. Why not boost their actual effectiveness with telemedicine and remote learning used to transform local alternative practitioners into therapists capable of diagnosing dangerous disease symptoms and calling for a professional intervention? This initiative may also be assisted by such disruptive innovators as Michael Laufer who successfully produce modern pharmaceutical drugs with portable MicroLab pill synthesis laboratories sold for mere $30. So, in some 15 years, an AIDS-positive kid in Africa may walk into a hut of a local healer and come out 30 minutes later receiving an acupunctural treatment for pain symptoms and a pill of generic Daraprim for conservative treatment. However, the new therapy and diagnostic methods will have to be thoroughly tested in order to be covered by national health insurance systems.

  1. Education

The rapid development of VR devices can make ‘Ready Player One’-style classrooms a reality in the next 10-15 years. This would fully disrupt the current classroom system (which is not necessarily a bad thing) transforming the world into a real ‘global village’. A virtual yellow school bus may gather Angolan, Spanish, Argentinian, and US learners in a single educational environment reducing the need for excessive transportation or building new schools in rural areas. Remote learning resources such as Khan Academy can also facilitate the students who cannot access the ‘virtual classroom’ during specific hours. This may also be convenient for increasing the number of PhD students in developing countries and poor environments. With the launch of the global Starlink Internet programme by SpaceX in 2020, young talents living in rural Africa may get the possibility to submit their dissertation drafts for review to academic tutors from Oxford or the MIT. You can only imagine what boost this may provide to global development programmes.

  1. Health-Aiding Implants

While cell-like nanorobots replacing human T-cells and fighting cancer tissues and bad cholesterol still remain a thing of the future, internal monitoring systems may well become a part of our reality before the 2050s. The regular measurements of arterial pressure, artery plaque buildup, and other critical indicators of our physical being are very important for preventing heart attacks or blood clotting. However, the main question posed by some scientists is whether we should monitor these things from the outside. Installing small devices with wireless charging under our skin may provide for accurate measurement results and unlimited methods of using the collected data. Imagine that internal sensors located close to your heart can send emergency signals to a nearby hospital minutes before your organism gets into an acute condition. They can also provide longitudinal diagnostic data to your doctor on a daily basis. Some of the presently developed solutions may even include small adrenaline containers or shock devices to kickstart your heart in the case of heart failure.

  1. Neuromancing and Advanced Bodyhacking

The previous idea is perfectly in line with the concepts of bodyhacking, artificial organs, and neural implants described by the cyberpunk genius William Gibson. In 2017, scientists at ETH Zurich learned how to 3D-print artificial body tissues and even human organs such as the heart. Imagine replacing your old blood vessels with molecularly superb ones preventing cholesterol plaques or blood clots accumulation. Do you want a heart that does not have a beat and will last you 150+ years? Or would you prefer a Heart 2.0 with several performance profiles fine-tuned for office hours, sports activities, and night recuperation? Besides the competition for ‘body upgrades’, these technologies can also make the waiting lists for organ donors obsolete. The invention of Autodoc medical systems from late 80s sci-fi movies makes the cyberpunk ideas of installing a new retina for augmented reality on your way home or selling an extra liver to pay for your rent perfectly realistic.

  1. Transhumanism and the Mars Colonisation

The capability to purchase new organs and prolong your life through advanced body management inevitably brings the questions of transhumanism to the table. With late XXI century geriatrics, a 40-year old person has good chances of becoming as physically adept as his 20-year-old counterpart. Or, would you say, competitor since he is already ahead of him or her with 20+ years of skills and industry experience. In this context, expanding into other planets of the Solar system can become a cure for unemployment rather than a science fiction dream. Luckily, SpaceX had this humanity dream covered as well with its SpaceX Mars programme. While the most optimistic results promise a first colony set on Mars by 2050, the development of new materials and technologies may speed up this process.

While driverless vehicles and medical advancements do not look especially gruesome, we should also think about the negative outcomes described by the great visionaries of the past. The brave new world may put us one step closer to a utopia but charge its price in terms of social consequences. However, with the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and increasing pollution levels, the main dilemma of humankind progress is still, “Can we not be running all we can do, to merely keep in the same place?”.

Author Bio

Anna Clarke is the owner of online writing company 15 Writers. She is a successful entrepreneur with over 20 years’ experience in freelancing, academic dissertation writing consulting, specialising in Business, Economics, Finance, Marketing and Management.

Qualities to Look for in a Potential Internet Provider

30 Apr 2019 Uncategorized

Choosing your internet service provider is a major decision. After all, the internet service provider that you choose will determine how easy it is to use your computer, and choosing the wrong service can result in frustrating headaches whenever your Wi-Fi disconnects.

However, those who are in the initial stages of searching may not know what to look for. Are you on the hunt for a new internet provider and scouring through internet providers Ontario to find the right one? If so, here are some desirable qualities that you should be looking for in your next potential internet provider.

Internet service speed

Speed is arguably the most important aspect of your internet service. If you are trying to get work done on a slow internet connection, the odds are stacked against you, especially if you’re out in a place like Ontario. You must make sure that the internet plan you intend to purchase will be able to handle all of your daily habits and needs.

Take a look at your provider’s website — and more importantly, look for online reviews — to get a sense of how great their speeds are. As a general rule, you can handle light web browsing and other activities such as playing games and watching movies at internet speeds of anywhere from one to eight megabytes per second.

If you’re downloading and uploading information constantly and planning to use your internet for your job or for a business, you will need speeds up to 50 megabytes per second. These speeds are the first things you should look for when evaluating a provider’s website.

Upfront costs, hidden costs, or limitations

A lot of providers provide great internet connection speeds, but they may not be providing it to customers at an affordable price. Or worse, they may have hidden prices related to fees and limitations that come with using their service.

The first thing you should check is the overall price of the service. How much will they be charging you monthly? How does it compare to other service providers in the province? Next, you should see what the fees are, and whether they are clearly stated or hidden in the fine print. Do they charge anything extra for installation? Are there fees for going over a certain data limit?

After you’ve seen these prices, you should see if there are any limitations that come with using the service. Is there a data cap that you are not able to pass once you reach it? Do they slow down your internet after so much use? These things are all important, as you are paying for the service and you should get the most bang for your buck.

Security and support

Internet providers give you a service, but your service should also come with a desirable experience. You should expect to have an internet service that is secure and safe from any outside dangers.

In addition, you should expect your provider to be supportive during the installation and use process, and you should expect them to be helpful to you throughout the entire time that you are with them. If they are known for poor support and their service doesn’t keep you and your information protected, they are not a provider that you should choose.

As with any other major purchase you make in life, you need to do your research to avoid making a decision you later regret. Use the list of desirable traits above to help you make an educated decision during the purchase process so that you get the best internet service possible.

5 Latest Trends in Artificial Intelligence in 2019

5 Apr 2019 Uncategorized

Artificial Intelligence or commonly known as A.I. is one of the most promising technologies available today. So, Artificial Intelligence is basically the ability of computers to perform human tasks without human interference.

In our everyday life, we can find several uses of Artificial Intelligence such as our smartphones, smart cars or drones, social media feeds, online ad services and many more. You might not notice it but we are surrounded by AI apps and devices everywhere.

The main motive of the introduction of AI to us is to help us in our day to day tasks. Currently, the AI technology is getting improved by each passing day and in the coming few decades the whole world might be covered with AI chips and programs.

So, a question might pop up in your mind, what are the current trends in Artificial Intelligence? To answer that question, here are the latest trends in Artificial Intelligence in 2019 and you can learn these from the latest books and buy them using Flipkart Offers Today.

1. AI- Enabled Chips

Artificial intelligence mostly relies on chips rather than the computer to work efficiently. Manufacturers such as Intel, NVIDIA, Qualcomm, etc are willing to invest their time and money in new improvised chipsets in their respective device.

As we already mentioned that the AI chips cannot be enhanced by using any software so, the hardware improvisation will be required. After these enhancements, these new generation chips will speed up their execution and sectors such as Healthcare and Automobile industries will definitely have huge profits.

2. Combination of IoT and AI

In 2019, AI meets IoT at the edge figuring layer. A large portion of the models prepared in the open cloud will be sent at the edge. Modern IoT is the top use case for man-made reasoning that can perform exception location, underlying driver examination and prescient upkeep of the hardware.

Propelled ML models dependent on profound neural systems will be improved to keep running at the edge. They will be equipped for managing video outlines, discourse combination, time-arrangement information and unstructured information created by gadgets, for example, cameras, receivers, and different sensors.

IoT is good to go to turn into the greatest driver of man-made reasoning in the endeavor. Edge gadgets will be furnished with the uncommon AI chips dependent on FPGAs and ASICs.

3. Introduction of ONNX

Information researchers and engineers need to pick the correct tool from plenty of options such as Caffe2, PyTorch, Apache MXNet, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, and TensorFlow to design the right Framework. When a model is prepared and assessed in a particular framework, it is hard to port the prepared model to another framework.

The absence of interoperability among neural system toolboxes is hampering the selection of AI. To address this problem, AWS, Facebook and Microsoft have teamed up to manufacture Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX), which makes it conceivable to reuse prepared neural system models over different frameworks.

In 2019, ONNX will turn into a basic innovation for the industry. Most of the people in the AI industry will be relying on the ONNX as the standard choice for their tasks in the industry.

4. Automated Machine Learning

One new innovation that is going to change the mostly everything regarding ML-based arrangements on a very basic level is AutoML. It will enable business experts and engineers to advance AI models that can address complex situations without experiencing the commonplace procedure of preparing ML models.Moreover, advance knowledge is also helpful in this regard and one can get them from books and buy them using AliExpress Cashback Offers.

When managing an AutoML stage, business experts remain concentrated on the business issue as opposed to losing all sense of direction all the while and work process.

AutoML consummately fits in the middle of subjective APIs and custom ML stages. It conveys the correct dimension of customization without driving the engineers to experience the intricate work process. Not at all like intellectual APIs that are regularly considered as secret elements, AutoML uncovered a similar level of adaptability however with custom information joined with convenience.

5. Automation of DevOps with AIOps

Present day applications and framework are producing log information that is used for ordering, seeking, and investigation. The huge informational indexes acquired from the equipment, working frameworks, server programming, and application programming can be amassed and related to discovering bits of knowledge and examples. At the point when AI models are connected to these informational indexes, IT activities change from being responsive to prescient.

At the point when the intensity of AI is connected to activities, it will redefine the manner in which framework is overseen. The utilization of ML and AI in IT tasks and DevOps will convey insight to associations. It will help the operations groups perform exact and precise underlying driver examination.

AIOps will progress toward becoming standard in 2019. Open cloud merchants and endeavor are going to profit by the union of AI and DevOps.

We can say that the year 2019 is the year of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning(ML) is going to play a prominent role in this innovation and enhancement of the AI.


How to Bolster the Cybersecurity of Your Business in 5 Steps

10 Feb 2019 Uncategorized

Cybersecurity is a critical aspect of doing business, yet it tends to be tossed in the back burner — particularly by startups and small businesses who think they’re less of a target to hackers.

The truth is, the impact of a cyber-attack is even worse for small, ill-prepared companies.

According to statistics, 60 percent of small businesses collapse within six months following a cyber-attack.

As far as the likelihood of being targeted goes, just remember that DDoS or Distributed Denial of Service attacks are now sold on the dark web for around $25 per hour. That’s actually an incredibly low price, given that such attacks result in a double whammy of crippled sales and a stained brand reputation.

You might be surprised with the lengths dirty competitors will go to deal with threats.

In this post, we’ll discuss the strategies to prevent this scenario without breaking the bank.

Let’s begin.

1. Pick a Web Host with Robust Security
When building a website for your online business, one of the first challenges is picking a suitable host.

Although one-dollar hosting companies are highly tempting for aspiring website owners, they could spell trouble for your sustainability in the long-term.

Bear in mind that the ability to get a site up and running shouldn’t be the only item in your web hosting checklist. You also need reliable customer service, a streamlined control panel, and loads of security features to keep your website protected against online threats.

It’s not just about the bandwidth capabilities and uptime guarantees.

Below are some of the security features that you should look for when choosing a web hosting company:

Scheduled Backups and Easy Restore Points
24/7 Network Monitoring
Protection Against Malware and Viruses
Account Protection Tools
Built-In DDoS Protection
Web Application Firewall
Regular Updates to PHP, MySQL, and Other Systems

2. Get SSL
Speaking of web hosting security, some companies throw in a free SSL or Secure Sockets Layer for establishing encrypted connections between servers and users. This effectively stops digital eavesdroppers from intercepting sensitive information in transit.

Having an SSL certificate on your website also has a couple of other benefits that make it a worthy investment:
Better Conversions
If you sell products online, here’s an interesting fact:

A survey by the Baymard Institute reveals that 18 percent of customers left a website during the checkout process because of cybersecurity concerns. More specifically, they didn’t trust the website with their extremely sensitive credit card information.

Having an SSL certificate gives them reassurance in the form of a security validation. This is indicated by the closed lock icon to the left of your domain URL.

Higher Search Engine Rankings
In case you’re unaware, search engines like Google put great user experience above everything else in their ranking algorithms. This encompasses the security of users, which is why the use of SSL certificates is recognized as an important ranking signal.

If your hosting plan doesn’t come with an SSL certificate to boot, you may purchase one instead from a third-party vendor like Sectigo.

In addition to the certificate itself, Sectigo also offers a “secured seal,” which you can showcase on your website to boost the confidence of prospective customers — ideally in your home, product, and checkout pages.

3. Hire a DPO
For businesses that cater to EU residents, including those that aren’t based there, you’re probably already familiar with the GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation.

Put simply, the GDPR presents businesses a list of requirements geared for the data security of EU citizens, such as documenting the movement of data in your company, requesting for the consent of users for cookie usage, and designating a DPO or Data Protection Officer to oversee GDPR compliance, collaborate with data protection authorities, and so on.

The good news is, small businesses can now outsource a DPO from UK-based security organizations like Bulletproof — a much more cost-effective way to ensure GDPR compliance.

Of course, having a DPO in your company improves data security awareness among your staff. They’re also tasked with conducting regular security audits to deter potential breaches and review GDPR compliance.

DPOs are also responsible with the education of your data subjects — your EU-based customers — when it comes to your organization’s data privacy policies, security protocols, and their right to have their personal information deleted.

4. Use Two-Factor Authentication
While DDoS attacks can potentially, single-handedly demolish a small business, all it takes is one successful brute force attack to seal any company’s fate.

A brute force attack is when a hacker leverages a tool to generate heaps of consecutive password guesses, which will then be used to gain unauthorized access to an account.

If you let them brute-force their way into your systems, you’re basically handing them the keys to your online business.

Fortunately, you have a number of options when it comes to incapacitating these hackers.

An example is to use two-factor authentication to incorporate another verification step, typically using a one-time password sent via email or SMS.

This renders your website virtually impervious to brute force attacks.

However, implementing two-factor authentication on your website involves different steps based on your website platform. WordPress users, for example, can use a plugin like Two Factor Authentication to implement the feature without writing a single line of code.

Another way to stop brute force attacks is to limit the number of failed login attempts users can make before additional verification is required.

The usual route is to integrate CAPTCHAs as a verification step, which are designed specifically to stop bots from having any more login attempts once they’ve exceeded your limit.

5. Keep Your Software Updated
Last but not least, software vendors regularly publish patches that fix detected vulnerabilities in their product’s previous versions or expand its security features. This applies to everything, from content management systems to antivirus applications.

A good practice is to enable automatic software updates — at least in your crucial online business applications like security tools, operating systems, and so on.

By staying up-to-date with your software versions, you can improve your chances of weathering a zero-day attack. This is a type of cyber-attack wherein hackers exploit a vulnerability in an application before the developers and cybersecurity companies even find the issue.

For online businesses, capable cybersecurity is no longer an option in today’s world.

It’s never too early to invest in your endeavor’s protection against online threats. Remember, preventing cyber-attacks from causing damage is always more preferable than mitigating and cleaning up their effects later on.

Contributed by Zach Webber

Government Services Forum to Explore Governance in the Age of Disruption

3 Feb 2019 Uncategorized

In the disruptive age of Uber, Amazon and Airbnb, today’s consumers are accustomed to easy-access, high-quality services tailored to meet their needs. It is this experience with private sector technologies that is shaping their expectation for government service delivery.

In turn, the transforming government and citizen relationship has necessitated a radical rethink of government services. The ‘smart citizen’ demands an alteration of government service paradigms – shifting from services to focus on the experience. And it is precisely to examine this shift that the Government Experience (GX) – a new global framework for government service excellence from the UAE – is being launched at the seventh World Government Summit (WGS 2019).

Launched by the Emirates Government Service Excellence Program, the Government Services Forum will convene senior leaders from the public and private sectors to engage in a dialogue on the future of government services. Centered around the theme of ‘Powered by Experiences’, the Forum will explore multiple aspects including changing citizen expectations and their impact on government services, how governments around the world are meeting these expectations and addressing challenges in delivering exceptional service experiences, and how government services will evolve over the next 20 years.

His Excellency Mohammed Bin Taliah, Assistant Director General for Government Services Sector and Assistant Director General for Corporate Services Sector at the Prime Minister’s Office in the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs and The Future, said: “The time has come to unlock the extraordinary potential of governments to empower their people and communities. Equipped with new tools and a new mindset, leaders around the world can reimagine how they engage with and support their people. Much like the UAE, governments around the world have a renewed focus on citizen happiness. A responsive government environment offers tremendous opportunities for collaboration and participation.”

A unique platform, GX aims to unite government decision-makers, global practitioners and renowned innovators to re-examine and re-define the Government Experience for the present and the future. Across the all-encompassing initiatives that fall under the GX umbrella – the GX Services portal, GX Talks, and the GX RoundTable – the leading minds in today’s government services domain will explore and assess where the world is heading and look at the best practices that benefit the global citizen in the most impactful and positive way.

“Today, people expect the highest standards of customization, impactful personalization, quality and speed of delivery in all engagement. However, the concept of citizen-centric reform is not new. For some years there has been a greater push to align government services with the distinct needs of individual citizens and communities, made possible by the relatively affordable advances in technology and data analytics that have opened new digital channels and enabled greater customization and localism geared towards personal requirements,” Bin Taliah added.

According to Deloitte’s ‘A Government Perspective: Tech Trends 2018,’ governments are no longer looking at implementing ‘one-off IT initiatives’ in a single domain. Instead, there is today a more forward-looking approach to harnessing disruptive technologies that can work in harmony across an agency, department or multiple departments.

Boston Consultancy Group’s (BCG) 2018 insights on ‘A Blueprint for the Government of the Future’ states that we are seeing governments respond not in the traditional hierarchical and siloed way, but rather by fundamentally re-examining structure through creating priority clusters, establishing functional accelerators that build expertise in critical areas, adopting agile ways of working, using cross-functional teams and creating a streamlined, one-stop shop where people can access the services and assistance they need.

But this technology boom has implications on the skills required to replace the jobs that are being automated and made redundant. BCG recommends governments create functional accelerators that bring together talent in critical emerging areas such as big data and advanced analytics, behavioral economics, AI, and robotics.

Governments that are already experimenting with the accelerator model include the UAE and Canada. The UAE created a Ministry of Artificial Intelligence, mandated to promote AI both within and outside of government. Recently, Canada set up an Impact and Innovation Unit within the center of government to help transform the operations of the public administration. The UK and the US too have set up functional accelerators to advance their digital expertise. In the UK for instance, websites of 25 ministerial departments and 385 other agencies and public bodies have been merged into a single website, Gov.uk, which has begun offering e-services.

When redesigning the future of government service experiences, the essential pillars upholding the new paradigm remain the adoption of shared services across functions, leveraging third-party, private-sector providers to deliver some government services, and of course, stronger association not just between federal and local governments, but between public and private enterprises as well.

The Emirates Government Services Excellence Program was launched in 2011, in line with the vision of the UAE to be one of the best countries in the world by the year 2021. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai launched the program in order to raise the efficiency of government services to a seven-star level, by focusing on customer centricity and enhancing government efficiency.

The World Government Summit 2019 will run from February 10 to 12 at Madinat Jumeirah in Dubai. The landmark event is set to convene more than 4,000 participants from 140 countries, including heads of state and governments, as well as top-tier representatives of 30 international organizations.

The Insights. How to Prepare a High-Quality Essay

19 Jan 2019 Uncategorized

Writing a high-quality essay sounds easy in theory but it is very difficult in practice. It takes plenty of time, patience and effort to produce a masterpiece especially now that tutors have set very high standards. The pressure on students is higher than ever as they see perfection and that essay that will get a good grade.

Frustration and stress are bound to kick in especially if a student is underprepared and cannot find the information they need for their essay topic. It requires brainstorming, editing, research, drafting and much more but to make their essay stand out. Are there a series of steps a student can follow to prepare a high-quality essay?

The answer to the question above is yes. There are a few steps students can follow to produce a high-quality essay. Below are the nine incredible steps that need to be followed religiously without fail.

The Assignment Needs To be Understood
The worst thing to happen to a student is to spend time writing about something they do not 100% understand. There is no harm in asking for clarification from college tutors at all. It does not make a student appear stupid for asking and tutors are there to take questions and clarifying any misunderstanding. Understand the assignment topic is the first step in preparing a high-quality essay.

Conduct Extensive Research
When a student understands the topic, the research can begin however, they need to pick the best source of information. While there are plenty of sources that provide information for students, not all of them are perfect. Secondary information, however, is a good source because it is available in libraries or the internet. This is information that has already been published on the assignment topic.

Craft an Outline
College tutors usually provide students with an outline they must follow and what most students do is ignore it as soon as they begin typing. This is a very big mistake and can lead to marks being deducted. When in doubt, a student can look at previous assignments to see the outline or simply ask the tutor for guidance on the outline.

Ensure There Is a Good Environment for Writing the Essay
The place where a student writes their essay can be different between a high-quality one and an inferior one. Writing an essay in an area full of distraction will heavily impact the quality.

Nice quiet places like a café, student dorm or even a library are perfect locations to write a wonderful piece. Writing in bed is a bad idea because one can easily fall asleep while typing and should be avoided. Adding some relaxation music, snacks, putting the phone on silent are also helping tips when it comes to having a good writing environment.

Students Have to Follow the Standard Structure Provided
The main goal for every student is to fulfill the requirements of the essay and show their tutor they have thought outside the box. This makes a good impression to the tutor, however, following a structure other than the one set is not good. Students should always ask their tutor when in doubt to avoid going off course when it comes to structure and presenting their ideas in the wrong way.

Prioritize Quality over Quantity
If a tutor has said they want their essay to be between 6-7 pages, it is important for students to follow that and not make up their own rules. Adding extra pages to make the essay look bigger or broader is not a good idea because quality will be compromised for quantity. Sticking with the recommended limit does help produce a high-quality paper full of well-presented facts and information.

Separate the Drafting and Editing Process of the Essay
Doing both of these tasks at the same time is not a good idea because they both need one’s full attention, effort, and focus. Mixing them up can easily disturb the flow of the essay and compromise the quality altogether. Students should start by drafting the essay as it is part of the writing process and do the finishing touches or editing after the essay has been written.

Introduction and Conclusion Should Be Written Last
When it comes to writing an essay, the conclusion and the introduction are the most difficult to come up with. These two can make or break an essay because they both need to be strong and eye-catching to the tutor. Doing them last allows a student to write them both based on their finding which is very helpful.

Get Help When Editing
Having a second set of eyes to look at an essay can improve its quality. A student can get their family members, friends, or even their tutor to look at their essay and provide any feedback. This helps spot any errors or mistakes that need to be corrected which they wouldn’t have noticed by themselves.

All in all no matter the level of education whether in college or university, coming up with a high-quality essay is a lot of work. If students follow the points that have been put forward in this piece, they will be in a wonderful position to deliver a high-quality custom essay on time. Time is a very important element when it comes to essay writing and when used wisely by students, yields good results.

AI Technologies That Will Rule 2019

9 Jan 2019 Uncategorized

Artificial Intelligence has already succeeded in gathering most of the buzz within the international market with growing trend and approaches. Due to which, science fiction is no longer a part of the books and Yes! we are living in this progression approach of it.

AI product has discovered ways that line straight the place at our homes and workplaces with no issues. If something happens, the demand and potential of AI are increasing with time within the market. It’s in terms of job chance and also the robotic felony that we tend to possess.

These area units simply the essential nonetheless small print of AI that’s enclosed by mystery. Yet, it’s packed with such a large amount of gadgets and technology that we tend to can’t even keep a count.

On top of that, the improvement and automation have taken the lead once it involves with Artificial Intelligence. It is often used within the elementary manner that may facilitate in rethinking our drawback and facilitate in giving an insight.

Due to the increasing exposure in artificial intelligence; more and more people try to learn or understand the basic knowledge related to AI. Even, they also go for various artificial intelligence course/videos/tutorials and lectures to stay updated with the latest trend. Here this article will show you the AI technologies that will rule 2019.

In the coming year, we can just hope to visualize many things on a more profound level. So, prepare to encounter these technologies supported AI in 2019.


  • Platforms for Machine Learning.


In the past days when we have manually handled every task of a PC or laptop. In the future, you will witness the innovation that enables the personal computers to understand on their own and to work incredibly on it.

This branch of computing and technology discipline has achieved a brand new milestone to hide. Presently, the developer’s are attempting to develop AN algorithmic rule that can enable a PC to comprehend the procedure. Moreover, Interface of programming supports within the application, big data, and tools for training.


  • Speech Recognition


Speech has effectively gotten huge praise and love from consumers through Siri, Google, and Alexa. However, in 2018, we’ve solely witnessed a glimpse of the advancement that this technology will rouse the U.S.A. However, within the returning years, we tend to area unit progressing to see an automatic kind.

Nowadays, various frameworks are adopting human language transcribe. Also, the intelligent systems are bringing voice response dependent in terms of PCs and smartphones. Top organizations are presently following this procedure to give a competitive edge.


  • Biometrics


For over five years, statistics has become one among the most important technological advancement that we tend to area unit exploitation. whether or not it’s to stay track of the in ANd out time of a worker or to lock down a door mechanically. It will simply analyze and establish with correct live concerning the behavior of an individual. Advanced biometric authorize AN interactive classification in terms of human and machine. It is often with relevancy speech, image, and body bit.


  • Cyber Defense


The major drawback that’s visaged within the modern times is cybersecurity. Every information is presently spread around on internet whether it is cloud or Azure. Hence, it’s become the most important goals to stay it safe and secure.

Thus, in 2019 we can see a complex type of Cyberdefense that centers around delivering, examining and prevention against any attack or theft. The system entirely supported by the data and infrastructure.


  • Content Creation


There is no doubt that content marketing is moving the digital world at an entirely new level. These Days, Individuals are moving towards the content field at a standard stage regarding every product. In this digital world, blog posting, ads, infographics, videos, visual creations, and white papers.

They are presently utilizing an advanced type of strategies to deliver in the content world in 2019, we’ll able to witness new types of creation through AI which further helps with accuracy.


  • Automation Marketing


The promoting world has become utterly dedicated to several different edges of AI over time. There area unit such a large amount of reasons to place AI in high regards because of its impact on international media. The social media is one of the fields that will definitely experience the AI.

Marketing companies and different businesses area unit already passionate about Chatbots to increase potency and engagement. In 2019, it won’t be a surprising thought to encounter an increased style of such a framework. And it is believed that AI will have a great impact on the marketing business revolution.

  • Recognition of Emotion

We have already seasoned the total machine-driven message reading applications. However, presently the innovation is heading off to the next level with the ability of reading feelings. These varieties of systems area unit exploitation audio processing or image processing system to know the small expressions of a private. additionally to the current, their area unit vocal data and visual communication cues that are getting illustrious for the event method.


  • Decision Management


There are various machines that are getting outfitted with a progressed and much wise framework enabling them to present rules and logic. They are more fit for setup and training, standardization and even support reason with the addition of AI.

These kinds of apps are now utilized for understanding the kind of application that supports any decision making. In the coming decades, we notice the self-decision making to enhance the sales growth of an organization.


  • Virtual Agents


As referenced above, Chatbots have turned into the living reality. Like this, the virtual operators are presented in the market that is proficient to connect with clients or consumers with their computer and program knowledge. However, such system doesn’t have their mind of their own but hold semi-installed commands which system pursue.

However, with AI supports, it’s doable to be one among the highest client support and repair. additionally to the current, these systems area unit used as home managers furthermore.

So, here are the AI technologies that going to rule in the international market and facilitate us at our homes and workplaces.

Create Waves, Not Just Headlines!

4 Jan 2019 Uncategorized

In the olden days, it was good enough to remain in the news. Not any more.

In today’s 24/7 world where the world never sleeps, you blink and you are overtaken! It is extremely important to remain awake and relevant, both at the same time. Multi-tasking is the way forward.

To stay in the news and indeed in business, you need to constantly generate engaging content. In today’s context, content is King and Queen.

A press release that is articulately crafted can help you draw attention from discerning readers. A good place to start is by researching Google for what is trending. This can provide you story ideas, but you still need to write the narrative. Storytelling is an art and a science.

You can once again delve into Google’s keywords recommendation engine to ensure you have incorporated all the ‘SEO friendly’ phrases that will help you find traction with your intended audience.

Instead of being able to capture audience attention with a single occasional post, you have to provide not only exceptional content but full customer experience. That means integrating your content efforts. Devise strategies and goals that support cross-marketing your content. Your audience should be able to connect with you on a variety of channels and still receive the same quality experience.

Based on the results you achieve through your efforts, you can refine and fine-tune your next story to remain in the eyes of the people who matter. Repeating this cycle will create a flurry of interest around your brand. Not only will you be creating waves, but you could also end up creating a torrent!

I recommend using www.pressreleasenetwork.com to spread the good word.

Google Trends for 2018 in UAE

3 Jan 2019 Uncategorized

Every year, Google Trends releases ‘Year in Search’, a collection of the top 10 searches in various categories. The Year in Search can be an interesting way to read “the writing on the wall” by seeing what people around the world are looking at.

Top Google searches in UAE 2018

1. World Cup
2. Indian Premier League 2018
3. Sridevi Kapoor
4. Priyanka Chopra
5. Passport Index
6. Fortnite
7. Bitcoin Price
8. Federal Tax Authority (FTA)
9. Indian currency rate
10. Dubai Frame

UAE’s most searched words seem to be influenced by the large population from the sub-continent, especially India. World Cup Football, IPL Cricket, film actress Sridevi who died in Dubai, Priyanka Chopra who got married to Nick Jonas recently and the Indian currency rates are some of the most searched words on Google, understandably, by Indians.

With UAE passport getting ranked the world’s most valuable passport, Passport Index was another most searched term in the top ten list.

UAE’s gamer’s fascination with gaming is evident with ‘Fortnite’ coming 6th in the list. Bitcoin, interestingly was the also in the list of hot words Googled.

With the introduction of Value Added Tax in the UAE from 1st of January 2018, there were quite a number of searches for the Federal Tax Authority as UAE businesses grappled with queries and needed clarifications on VAT implementation.

Out of all the iconic projects in the UAE, only Dubai Frame made it to the top ten beating even the most popular tourist attraction – Burj Khalifa!

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