The Insights. How to Prepare a High-Quality Essay

19 Jan 2019 Uncategorized

Writing a high-quality essay sounds easy in theory but it is very difficult in practice. It takes plenty of time, patience and effort to produce a masterpiece especially now that tutors have set very high standards. The pressure on students is higher than ever as they see perfection and that essay that will get a good grade.

Frustration and stress are bound to kick in especially if a student is underprepared and cannot find the information they need for their essay topic. It requires brainstorming, editing, research, drafting and much more but to make their essay stand out. Are there a series of steps a student can follow to prepare a high-quality essay?

The answer to the question above is yes. There are a few steps students can follow to produce a high-quality essay. Below are the nine incredible steps that need to be followed religiously without fail.

The Assignment Needs To be Understood
The worst thing to happen to a student is to spend time writing about something they do not 100% understand. There is no harm in asking for clarification from college tutors at all. It does not make a student appear stupid for asking and tutors are there to take questions and clarifying any misunderstanding. Understand the assignment topic is the first step in preparing a high-quality essay.

Conduct Extensive Research
When a student understands the topic, the research can begin however, they need to pick the best source of information. While there are plenty of sources that provide information for students, not all of them are perfect. Secondary information, however, is a good source because it is available in libraries or the internet. This is information that has already been published on the assignment topic.

Craft an Outline
College tutors usually provide students with an outline they must follow and what most students do is ignore it as soon as they begin typing. This is a very big mistake and can lead to marks being deducted. When in doubt, a student can look at previous assignments to see the outline or simply ask the tutor for guidance on the outline.

Ensure There Is a Good Environment for Writing the Essay
The place where a student writes their essay can be different between a high-quality one and an inferior one. Writing an essay in an area full of distraction will heavily impact the quality.

Nice quiet places like a café, student dorm or even a library are perfect locations to write a wonderful piece. Writing in bed is a bad idea because one can easily fall asleep while typing and should be avoided. Adding some relaxation music, snacks, putting the phone on silent are also helping tips when it comes to having a good writing environment.

Students Have to Follow the Standard Structure Provided
The main goal for every student is to fulfill the requirements of the essay and show their tutor they have thought outside the box. This makes a good impression to the tutor, however, following a structure other than the one set is not good. Students should always ask their tutor when in doubt to avoid going off course when it comes to structure and presenting their ideas in the wrong way.

Prioritize Quality over Quantity
If a tutor has said they want their essay to be between 6-7 pages, it is important for students to follow that and not make up their own rules. Adding extra pages to make the essay look bigger or broader is not a good idea because quality will be compromised for quantity. Sticking with the recommended limit does help produce a high-quality paper full of well-presented facts and information.

Separate the Drafting and Editing Process of the Essay
Doing both of these tasks at the same time is not a good idea because they both need one’s full attention, effort, and focus. Mixing them up can easily disturb the flow of the essay and compromise the quality altogether. Students should start by drafting the essay as it is part of the writing process and do the finishing touches or editing after the essay has been written.

Introduction and Conclusion Should Be Written Last
When it comes to writing an essay, the conclusion and the introduction are the most difficult to come up with. These two can make or break an essay because they both need to be strong and eye-catching to the tutor. Doing them last allows a student to write them both based on their finding which is very helpful.

Get Help When Editing
Having a second set of eyes to look at an essay can improve its quality. A student can get their family members, friends, or even their tutor to look at their essay and provide any feedback. This helps spot any errors or mistakes that need to be corrected which they wouldn’t have noticed by themselves.

All in all no matter the level of education whether in college or university, coming up with a high-quality essay is a lot of work. If students follow the points that have been put forward in this piece, they will be in a wonderful position to deliver a high-quality custom essay on time. Time is a very important element when it comes to essay writing and when used wisely by students, yields good results.

